Are You A Firefighter? Here Are 3 Ways In Which Ultrasonic Cleaning Can Protect You From Cancer

Drew Smith
3 min readJan 11, 2021

An American study shows that firefighters have a 9 percent higher risk of developing cancer than the general public. The same study also indicates that they have a 14 percent higher risk of dying, too.

If you’re a firefighter, you’re probably aware of these increased risks. But for someone outside of the profession, these numbers are alarming!

When a building is on fire, firefighters are among the first responders. Their priority is ensuring the safety of the civilians that may still be trapped in the building. The next step is putting out the fire. And these two duties are often done simultaneously.

Photo by Matt Chesin on Unsplash

When they enter a burning building, they are exposed to carcinogenic toxins in minute proportions. Over time, this exposure increases, and studies show that the rate of exposure is increasing too!

While firefighting gear and PPE are cleaned regularly, the carcinogenic residue can still be on hard-to-clean tools such as helmets and boots.

This is where ultrasonic cleaning comes in. The following will illustrate how it helps to keep you safe.

1.Ultrasonic cleaning destroys carcinogens on your hard-to-clean gear

If you understand how cancer works, then you know that it starts on a molecular level. When a foreign or malfunctioning molecule is introduced to your cell, it causes the cell to malfunction and disobeys the cell cycle.

Ultrasonic cleaning attacks carcinogenic molecules that may be stuck to your hard-to-clean gear such as a helmet or boots. So when you wear them again, you are safe from exposure.

Photo by Matt Chesin on Unsplash

2.Ultrasonic cleaning can be done on-site

After firefighters have returned to the station, their gear is usually cleaned by hand to achieve maximum sterilization without compromising its integrity. If a firefighter has come into contact with a carcinogen, they remain exposed until they return to the station.

Ultrasonic cleaning allows for gear to be removed and cleaned on-site. This protects you from prolonged exposure.

3.Ultrasonic cleaning is more precise and consistent than regular methods

Studies show that ultrasonic cleaning delivers a better clean than handwashing and laundry machines combined. This precision and consistency are critical in keeping you safe -not only from carcinogens but other toxins as well.

While ultrasonic cleaners have many advantages, the brand you choose can yield varied results. On that note, Omegasonics is one of the industry leaders in ultrasonic cleaners, and they provide several options to choose from.

Photo by Oliver Hale on Unsplash

